Friday 21 February 2014


........kepada diri saya. I am my own test result.

Kalau di googlekan 'kebaikan ke atau kelebihan minum susu kambing, macam macam info boleh dapat. Banyak sangat. Dari pandangan domestik mahupun international consumers. Goat's milk is awesome. Macam miracle drink. Full of medicinal goodness. From young and old, pregnant mums to asthmatic kids, all have benefited after being introduce and consuming goat's milk.....lagi lagi kalau Raw Goat's Milk.

Raw Goat's Milk
So, is it true? Power sangat ke susu kambing ni? Banyak sangat testimoni orang yang dah minum susu kambing. Macam over rated je. 

Tuan puan penternak, skeptical readers dan interested individuals yang nak tahu pasal kebaikan minum susu kambing ni, I am going to share with you my own findings. Pengalaman saya selama lebih kurang 3 tahun rasanya minum susu kambing setiap hari. That is equivalent to 91.25 litres of goats milk yang dah absorb dalam sistem badan saya. Dah dekat dengan 100 botol 1 litre Coke tu. 

Rasanya fit for me to justify kut with that period of drinking goat's milk.

Firstly ni bukan saintifik punye research. Why it happens from what components of the milk is not eloborated much here, because I'm no nutritionist or food analysis, saintis universiti dan sebagainya. However there are a lot of research and findings out there on the goat's milk components and its nutrition values. 


This is Ms M. kerja kat TM, my regular goat's milk customer. Started drinking since July 2013 (6 months ago). Tengah mengandung sekarang. Ingin mencuba minum susu kambing ni sebab dengar ustazah cakap banyak manfaatnya serta ingin mengamal minuman sunnah ni. After 6 months, this is her latest sms to me bila nak order susu hari tu.

"En Adil, nak order susu 15 botol hari khamis ni. 10 botol tak cukup. Rasanye saya dah KETAGIH minum susu ni". 

Banyak banyak ayat, 'ketagih' digunakan. That is straight to the point, honest, serious and specific statement. Just like coffee lovers, you have to have one every morning, kalau tak, badan rasa tak best, takde boost. Macam tulah 'feeling' bila tak dapat minum susu kambing. I'm devoted to it. Other customers has the same effect on them too. For me it comes to a point when stock kat rumah dah habis, pegilah kat supermarket cari susu kambing atau catu susu kambing dalam peti sejuk. Parah tuh.

Then again this is good news for goats milk business. You're assured of repeat orders. Dah jadi macam tokan susu kambing la pulak.

What makes it addictive? I really can't point that out. Maybe because its a .....


Move over Red Bull & Livita. Yes. I depend on goat's milk for that instant energy boost to help me  through out the day. Lebih lebih lagi kalau kurang tidur. You may be feeling sleepy, but your body feels fresh dan tak penat. This is probably due the energy enhancing properties of MCT's (Medium Chain Triglycerides) in goats milk. Ni salah satu kelebihan lemak (fatty acids) dalam susu kambing. 

'MCT ni has fewer calories then Long Chain Trigglycerides (LCT) and MCT are more rapidly absorbed by the body and more quickly metabolized (burned) as fuel. The result of this metabolic conversion is that instead of being stored as fat, the calories contained in MCT's are very efficiently converted into fuel for immediate use by organs and muscles.'

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs). Nutrition Review. Beneficial Effects on Energy, Atherosclerosis and Aging (Ward Dean, MD and Jim English)


Dah banyak kali saya mencuba, sebotol (250ml) susu kambing pada waktu pagi sahaja, perut tak rasa lapar sampai tengahari. More like I'm able to control / suppress my appetite. Some articles and research has shown drinking goats milk helps weight control and losing weight, disebabkan juga oleh MCTs.


Saya selalu minum sebelum tidur waktu malam, dan sah pagi pagi...time awal awal lepas bangun tidur, sure straight pegi buang air besar. Usually its a very relaxing, easy to pass and smooth 'process'. This is also an indication that I have a healthy bowel movement. Ada juga satu kes regular customer LRGF yang tetiba order banyak sangat susu. Rupanya isteri susah nak buang air besar. Selepas mencuba susu kambing, terus menunjukkan kesan yang menggalakkan.

Ni adalah perubahan evident atau jelas yang saya rasa dan alami sendiri selepas minum susu kambing yang raw. 

Kalau ada sesiapa nak 'add on' your own experience, sila lah komen. Hope this post helps.

Satu lagi, once you're into goat's milk, there's no turning back. Mbekk!!


  1. Saya setuju dengan healthy bowel movement.saya minum susu kambing sendiri. And I go twice a day. Pagi selepas bangun. And malam sebelum is good.hahaha

  2. hahaha.. yg melawas tu sy setuju.. saya selalu beli susu kotak, 1 liter. togak sampai habis, lepas tu mula perut rasa semacam.. belum susu kambing lagi, mau clear usus..

  3. Bila lagi engkau nak gogot susu kambing ni, Don??

  4. assalamualikum..
    en.Aidil..saye stay di klang, keje di shah alam. macamne sye blh dapatkan susu kambing fresh ni?skng ni sye minum susu kambing y peket tu..sje nk try y fresh pulak..

    1. waalaikumsalam LB.

      Very Good!

      Saya boleh deliver kat LB dgn minimum order 10 botol. Boleh call saya 0169193074.

      Tkasih kerana sudi membaca blog ni.
