Monday 24 June 2013


To be honest, i'm not so into writing. Pening weiii!! But I realize that if i want to make it in this goat breeding industry and enjoy the experience, might as well give it a go and just do it. Its for my own good and others anyway. At the same time, tak leh merendahkan gene 'menulis' dalam keluarga jugak. My dad was a prolific writer, from short stories, columnist, dramas and essays. My mum told me once, "ayah dulu satu hari boleh habis baca 3 buku! Lebih suka baca buku dari tengok wayang! boring mak." 

Tu dia, memang terer ayah aku ni. He is a knowledge driven man. Memang dia betul betul suka absorb info info and knowledge macam sponge. Back in the days when he decided to do film directing and script writing, he did not attend any classes are film courses, all he did was READ, READ and READ all relevant books, articles and etc. Lepas tu terus buat film. The rest was history. He won the best TV Drama Scriptwriter Award in 76 for his drama 'Kelahiran' (which according to my mum was the story about the birth of my eldest brother) and his feature film 'Langit Petang' won the Special Jury Award of the Malaysian Film Festival 1982.

The lesson i got from this is we must be hungry for knowledge in order to be the best on whatever we pursue and passionate about. I recall from prof. Alwi (a 'reputable' goat breeder that many other goat breeders look up too. Jangan marah prof alwi, promo sikit) in one of his blog post that we must be relentless in pursuit of knowledge, bagai singa mengejar mangsanya. Baru boleh jadi top & successful breeder. 

This blog is dedicated to all goat & goat milk lovers out there untuk membaca dan mendapat ilham dan rujukan dari hasil coretan saya sepanjang perjalanan menternak kambing tenusu. I'm not a veteran breeder, nor a semi pro breeder. Budak mentah yang baru berjinak dalam industri ternakan kambing tenusu ni. Why tenusu? coz I LOVEEEEE RAW GOATS MILK and its potential in the dairy product industries in Malaysia.

Sorry lah merapu blog ni, first time nak berblog. Layan je lah ye. Be a sponge. Thank you for reading.



  1. salam bro adil..

    dh ado blog yo,bagus2 bleh kongsi2 kisah n pngalaman mnternak nnti.bertmbh meriah indstri kmbing n blog pmbiak dgn khadiran blogger baru.hehe..di Malaysia ni den xjmpo lae blog pembiak yg fokus pd kmbing susu..slalu den rujuk kt Alaminosgoatfarm (Filipina) yo..:-)

    1. timo kasih waghieh. Samo samo lah kito meriahkan yo.

      Den pun rujuk kek alaminos jugak, den dapek tahu alaminos pun from u.haha. Mudo lai budak filipino tu kan? Impressive.

  2. Haha..baru jumpa blog sedara..mohon utk saya kongsikan link blog saudara di blog hamba.

    1. Tuan ECH,

      By all means:) Salam perkenalan tuan. I'm a fan of your blog. Credit to your D.I.Y 'problem solving technique' on your beloved goats.

  3. Wow, anak Shahrom Md Dom yang femes tu bela kambing rupanya? Semoga maju jaya. Sihat nampak semua kambing-kambing.

    1. Terima kasih. Siapakah Anon 07:26 ini :)
