Thursday 25 July 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t dan salam ramadhan.

Dah lama nak update blog, tapi tak kesempatan. Alhamdulillah bulan ramadhan ni sibuk dengan kerja menambah rezeki dan tak lupa juga banyak membuat amalan menderma. 'Givers gain' the more you give the more you shall receive. 

First time bulan puasa ni salah satu amalan menderma yang tak pernah saya buat seumur hidup, saya gagahkan diri untuk mencuba. Bersama dengan abang saya yang dah jadi seasonal donor, mengajak saya untuk menderma darah. I agreed. Rasanya takdelah takut sangat. So bersama isteri dan adik, kami pergi untuk memderma dengan semangat berkobar kobar.

Sebelum kita nak memderma darah, our blood will be tested first to see whether our blood is 'healthy', bebas dari sebarang penyakit (AIDS, Hepatitis A, B, etc). Secondly, the blood of the donor mestilah tip top, not low in iron for example, dan di sini adik dan isteri tak pass. So tak dapat mereka teruskan usaha murni ini.

I was next and so far the result indicated that i was good to go. Boleh derma. Tapi this day was special. I was not required to donate blood, but the blood bank needed my platelet, URGENTLY. If i was not mistaken, it was for a cancer patient. They require platelet due to chemotherapy side effect.

Platelet ni yang heal the wound and jadi parut bila kita luka. Only male can donate platelet. A bag of platelet can only last five days. Once you donate, it takes 2 weeks for you to be able to donate again. So this 'juice' is scarce, tak banyak, dan susah nak simpan because of its short lifespan. Kalau ada patient perlukan platelet, mengelabah lah blood bank telepon donors to come and donate. Unfortunately, the number of donors is very small, and not all donors are available when they are needed. 

Tuan puan, 1 bag platelet ni (tak ingat berapa mililiter) cost RM1,200 for the patient. Terduduk saya. Dah lah sakit, and you have to fork out a fortune to 'heal' yourself.

The process is complex to extract the platelet. Blood is pumped out from your vein. Lepas tu the machine will separate the blood into other units (plasma, platelet, etc) and then pump back inside your body kecuali platelet. This is called a cycle. I have to endure 5 cycles which took around 45 minutes to complete the whole process. Donating blood only takes you 5 minutes.

Left: My platelet Blood type A+
Colour platelet ni sebenarnya warna kuning. Nurse tu cakap platelet saya pekat sikit dari biasa. Terus terfikir, adakah sebab saya dok minum SUSU KAMBING ke? Nurse cakap tak. Dang!! Ingat terjumpalah eureka moment kesan minum susu kambing. Nurse tu cakap mungkin sebab banyak makan makanan bergoreng dan berminyak. Pulak dah!!! 

This was a unique experience for me, and definitely I will continue to be a regular donor. Salah satu sebabnya ialah semasa saya menderma, kelihatan juga ramai orang dari pelbagai agama, bangsa, latarbelakang, tua, muda datang menderma darah. When you put yourself as a patient who needs blood and dependent on it, and realise that the blood you receive is from an indian aunty yang jual chapati that saved your life, mahu menangis kan. 

Jadi tuan puan para penternak, ambillah peluang di bulan ramadhan ini untuk beramal sedekah dengan menderma darah. Dapat jugak pahala berlipat ganda, Insya Allah.

Ok dah melalut cerita, takde ke news or update on goats or goats milk?

Ade, tapi tak cukup research lagi. Salah satu cerita nak kongsi ialah susu kambing dari induk yang mengalami keguguran. Boleh minum tak? Ada bahaya ke? What can cause a doe to miscarriage? Saya nak kongsi input ni because ade dua kambing LRGF mengalami keguguran. Satu jamna dan satu lagi boer. Hopefully on my next post.

Satu lagi topic which I'm excited to post in about fats in goats milk. Lipid. The fat that makes you loose fat! Loose weight. On top of that, it gives you that continuous energy, as how athletes use to enhance their performance. 


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