Sunday 14 July 2013


Camne naik minum susu kambing bila frozen? 
Berapa lama susu tahan bila beku?
Camne nak simpan?

Tuan / puan, ni lah soalan yang selalu diajukan kepada saya pasal susu kambing sejuk beku ni.

Left: Frozen goats milk. Right: Defrost / Diluted goats milk

Gambar diatas ialah susu kambing 300 ml. Jika dilihat, warna susu yang beku bewarna kuning dan bila dah cair, ia bertukar kepada warna putih. So jangan risau kalau dapat susu beku tu warna kuning. Its because of the freezing process, bukan susu tu tak fresh. 

How fresh is the milk? Good question. The 'concept' of freezing ni is very simple. Whatever the state of freshness the milk is frozen, it will turn out the same when defrosted. Maksudnya kalau susu tu baru sahaja diperah, disejukkan dan kemudian disejukbekukan (very fresh), it will stay as fresh when thawed (dicairkan) and vice versa. Frozen goats milk can last you for a very long time (months) if kept frozen.

So ada 3 cara yang biasa saya praktikkan untuk minum susu kambing yang beku ni.

Pertama, susu kambing yang beku ni kita pindahkan ke dalam fridge / peti sejuk overnight. Keesokkan harinya susu kambing beku tu dah cair dan boleh terus minum. 

To maintain freshness, keep refrigerated at 4 celcius. Kalau dibiarkan sahaja dalam peti sejuk, saya dah eksperimen dimana susu still fresh untuk diminum selama 11 hari. Hari 12 kurang fresh, slightly off taste starts to develop. And this is raw milk, not pastuerized.

Cara kedua pula is leaving the frozen goats milk at room, tempreture. It should defrost / thawed within 2 hours. Saya selalunya guna cara ni. Keluarkan susu beku pukul 8pm dan minum pukul 10pm sebelum nak tidur. Saya recommend minum pada sebelah malam. Proses penghadaman susu hanya mengambil masa selama 20 minit je, selepas tu boleh tido dengan nyenyaknya. Satu lagi dari pengalaman saya, you can feel the 'goat milk' effect the next day, feeling energize, tidak nantuk dan kurang penat. Give it a try.

Yang ketiga pula ialah dengan merendam susu beku dengan air paip, which should defrost aroung 30 min to 40 min. Kalau guna air panas lagi cepat proses pencairan. Teknik rendam seperti gambar di bawah ni.

Here are some tips i would like to share.
  • Bila dah thaw susu beku tu, cuba habiskan. Kalau tak habis cepat simpan balik dalam fridge.
  • It is not advisable to freeze it back bila dah defrost, walaupun saya pernah cuba. Bila dah defrost, the milk temperature is suitable for bacteria to start producing and grow. (refer back tip 1)
  • Yes you can boil the goats milk (usually indians are accustom to this method), but from my humble opinion, no need. You'll 'destroy' a lot of the goodness away.
Berapa banyak perlu kita minum susu kambing ni? Ideally a cup of goats milk is sufficient enough for daily consumption if you are on a normal 'Malaysian' diet. This is not proven ye tuan / puan. Saya agak je sebab we still get other nutrients from other food source we consume everyday. 

However, one famous ambassador of goats milk is Mahatma Ghandhi. Known for his healthy vegetarian diet regime, he drank 1 litre of goats milk a day. When Gandhi toured London to attend the first Round Table Conference in 1930, the Indian community was in a dilemma as to how to arrange goat’s milk for him. The community decided to approach Dr. Kripa Pal Bali to contact one of his gypsy patients who used to rear goat and arrange a litre of goat’s milk each day during Gandhi stay. He also drank goats milk to recover his health and energy after a long period of fasting.  Adalah kebaikan di sini untuk kita minum susu kambing masa berpuasa ni.

Ok, hope this cover the basic thing about the post today. Enjoy your goats milk and make it a part of your healthy diet. Mbekk!



  1. yg ada nak tnye..if susu kambing bila cair nampak ada ketulan kecil2 itu elok lg x? 1 more, susu kambing yg dibeli 300ml tu boleh x devide b4 masukan dalam freezer.cthnye: jadikan 100 ml untuk setiap botol sb nanti senang nak habiskan...

    1. Waalaikumsalam tuan seller.

      ketulan kecil putih (i presume lepas defrost ye) ialah ketulan lemak.Dan susu kambing tu masih lagi elok. Selalunya ketulan putih ni ada (yang saya selalu kena) if you defrost susu beku dalam peti sejuk (fridge section). Boleh minum. Saya telan sahaja. Some may not like the texture. Tapi untuk 'larutkan' ketulan tu, just shake the bottle. In Sha Allah hilang.

      2nd question tu 'tricky' sikit. 300ml divide ke 100 ml botol...boleh.
      The problem nya kalau susu 300ml tu dah beku, kemudian defrost, lepas tu pindah ke 100ml botol, dan lastly bekukan balik is not advisable. Potensi utk bakteria membiak dalam susu segar (during the process) dan berkemungkinan akan contaminate the milk.

      Harap jawapan membantu dan terima kasih membaca blog LRGF:)
