Friday 23 August 2013


"Apa you bawak balik botol kapur kasut?" kata isteri saya. 
"Ubat apa tu?" kata ayah saya.

Tuan puan sekalian, sekali pandang dari jauh, botol ni nampak macam apa yang disebutkan diatas. Tetapi sebenarnya, ialah adalah susu kambing jenama Nubian Goat's Milk. Check it out

Sama tak?
Saya dah lama nak mencuba susu brand ni kerana: 

1. Tak pernah try susu dari kambing baka Nubian
2. Tertarik dengan cara pengurusan dan pemasaran.

How did i came about to know about this goat milk brand? Because of their mini chiller to store their goat milk, stationed at the dairy section in a hypermarket. I purchased this goat milk at Cold Storage di Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Eye catchy marketing display cum chiller
Memang lama dah saya tunggu (berbulan jugak) tapi chiller ni selalu kosong. Tak restock. For me, it was understandable. Forgivable. To sell a commercialize goat milk brand to the mass market is not an easy feat. Saya yang super duper small timer no brand goat milk supplier pun terkial kial beb.

They do emphasize on their marketing & branding, up to their interactive website. I bumped into their marketing flyer dekat Jabatan Kastam Kelana Jaya. Very cartoonish and friendly branding identity incorporated to imply that goat milk is an enjoyable healthy drink. It also tells me that their approach is targeting children to start and not be afraid to try goats milk. I think it is a well thought idea. It succeeded in educating consumer about the misconception of goat milk that has an unpleasant flavour with a distasteful odour.

Home delivery services melalui distributor.
Company Background

Firstly, check out their website here to know more about this Nubian Goats Milk brand. Don't miss out on photo gallery of their farm, goats, machine. etc. They are involved in dairy goats farming, processing and distribution of their milk since 2008 with a goat farm of 83 acres located at Mawai Kota Tinggi, Johor. In 2010 they expanded into dairy cows.

As you can see from the name, their dairy goats they breeds are from the Anglo Nubian, known to have a high butterfat content in their milk. More about anglo nubian goats here

Lebih lanjut lagi, Mr Loi Tuan Ee, Pengarah Urusan syarikat ini telah ditemuramah pada Jun 2012 di BFM The Business Radio Station di 89.9fm mengenai perniagaan susu kambing ini. You can listen to the interview here for more details about their business operation. 

Part of the interview;
  • They produce 300 litres of goat milk a day. (Sah sah lebih dari 300 ekor kambing). If my calculation is correction, thats 1,500 bottles a day.
  • Pay attention to offspring, they will adapt and produce better in our climate
  • Pay attention to bio security to avoid outbreak
Impressive jugak lah achievement company ni dalam masa 5 tahun beroperasi.

Packaging & Labeling

Perbandingan size dengan susu tin
Apa pandangan pembaca sekalian? ada resemblence tak macam intro post tadi. Anyway its a non issue to me. Yang penting is the content. Previously the bottles were different (glass bottle rasanye, i may be wrong) and later change to this current bottling. For 'added info' they incorporated the benefit of goat milk as the closest milk to mother milk, as a tagline to support the brand name. It also stated that the goats milk is pasteurized.

Isipadu minima susu botol in ialah 200ml dan dijual dengan harga RM5.30 sebotol. Dari gambar diatas, diharap pembaca semua boleh buat perbandingan size botol susu kambing ni. Tu je dapat capai nak tunjuk difference. Susu tin ni standby je kalau orang nak datang rumah dan minum kopi teh, kalau dia orang tak biasa minum susu segar.

Expiry date on the bottle cap 21 August. Nasib baik beli susu ni a day before
Additional protective sealer
The Taste

As usual, the first test is the smell. Di uji oleh 3 deria bau dari hidung adik, isteri dan saya. The result was unanimous. Everyone had the same facial expression. We were wowed. No goaty aroma present at all, only this comforting, sweet and creamy feel that made our face 'glowed' with happiness and surprise to say the least. Hebat dan menakjubkan. No indication at all that this milk came from a goat. I was arouse and so eager to taste! Must taste as good as it smells right? Will I be disappointed? 

Second test is the first taste. Usually I will have a small sip to let the milk 'linger' in my mouth. Macam wine connoisseur buat yang kita tengok kat tv tu. Kononnya nak ambil 'feel' la rasa susu ni in order to explain to the readers. Unfortunately greed took over me. I was gulping the milk.

Tuan puan...It was DELIGHTFUL dan delicious. Nicer then cows milk. Smooth texture flowing with slightly creamy sweet flavour. Surprising taste for a pasteurized goat milk. 

Second gulp..nice. I think people will enjoy this milk. Third gulp...yeap definitely. Fourth gulp...WHAT?!?!?...dah habis!! Seriously!! 200ml only 3 normal gulps? Alamak. Mana puas nak minum. 

So, that was my short satisfaction in indulging this beautiful goats milk. Another thing to mention here is that this milk in not 'thick' for a breed which produce high butterfat milk. Other then that, this milk is worth recommending to be enjoyed by all ages. Have a try and share me your thoughts. Mbekkk!! 


  • Its delicious and lovely.
  • Available at selected hypermerkets. 
  • Delivery services at selected areas.


  • Bottle size to small for me. Tak puas minum.


  1. Nice post!

    Aku jual 100ml $2.

    Packaging n product positioning memang naikkan profit margin.

    Ada juga yang target home delivery, exclusively.

    Lagi satukan, susu sejuk lebih sedap dan lebih senang jual berbanding susu frozen. Yep... mmm kena buat macam ni juga satu hari nanti

  2. 1st time beli dulu dia taruk dalam botol kaca, lepas tue nengok pakai botol plastic mcm photo yg hg attached tue...
