Tuesday 27 August 2013


  • Berapa side income bole dapat kalau jual susu kambing?
  • Ada tak kertas kerja profit and loss jual susu kambing?
dan lain lain soalan lebih kurang nak tanya buat duit ke jual susu kambing.

Tuan puan sekalian. Nak cover topik ni secara terperinci memang payah. *Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi outcome penternakan dan operasi harga jualan susu kambing ni. 

I am not going to elaborate berjela jela, just straight to the point info je sebagai rujukan.

Can we make a income or side income from selling goats milk as a small time breeder?
Answer: Yes

Is there any farm yang berjaya menternak dan jual susu kambing tanpa menggunakan machine canggih manggih?
Answer: Yes 

Kalau buat secara kecilan, takde buat marketing gempak gempak, cuma 'word of mouth' je boleh laku tak susu kambing?
Answer: Yes

Ada ke ladang dairy goat yang jual susu kambing secara komersial?
Answer: Yes (refer my post Goat Milk Review - Nubians Goat Milk)

Ada market ke sebenarnya susu kambing ni?
Answer: Yes (berlambak and its getting seriously popular)

Bole jual susu kambing yang bukan dari baka tenusu tak?
Answer: Err Yes. (LRGF is currently doing it. RAW BOER Goats milk is delicious)

So tuan puan, macamana nak kira keuntungan / atau nak letak harga jualan susu kambing?

Kita buat simple senario. Bukan tahap perlu accountant level nye thinking. Kita buat amateurnya style. Baru nak belajar. Ok we start of with;
  • You have 20 milking does. (tak kisah la baka tenusu apa)
  • Doing goat breeding full time. Susu kambing ni nak jadi side income.
  • 2 workers (including you). One thing about dariy goats ni manpower kena ada. Sorang kena focus on milking and bottling operation je.
  • Semi intensive system
Firstly, pengiraan susu kambing tak sama dengan pedaging. A clearer picture of the operation expenditure dan harga jualan untuk kambing pedaging boleh refer salah satu contoh di sini

So lets say, your monthly operation cost is RM3,000.00 (termasuk ubat, bil, dedak, gaji pekerja dsbnya). RM3,000 saya petik je nombor ni sebab, it can actually be even lower for sure because this example here is based on selling goats milk as a side income.

So how much is your cost per litre?
  • RM3000 / 1000ml = RM3 per litre.
  • RM3 / 1000ml = RM 0.003ml (cost per ml)
Maka, all you have to do is just multiply (cost per ml) x size bottle (isipadu minima botol).
  • RM0.003 x 200ml = RM 0.60 
  • RM0.003 x 300ml = RM 0.90  

Kos diatas tidak termasuk kos botol. Usually the price range untuk botol dalam lingkungan RM0.40 ke RM0.20 se botol.

Kita genapkan lah kasi senang. For 200ml the cost (belum mark up lagi ye) is RM1.00 sebotol.

Selesai part 1. Lets go to part 2.

So now, with 20 does, lets assume each doe is giving you 1litre of milk per day. This will give you a total of 20 litres of milk daily, which in return gets you 100 bottles (200ml) a day.

100 bottles x 30 days = 3000 bottles a month tuan puan sekalian.

Part 3 is where you do the maths.

If you decide to mark up RM1 from the cost per botol (menjual dengan harga RM2.00 sebotol), well you make RM3,000 side income lah every month.

Note: Kat pasaran luar sekarang, 200ml of goats milk is selling at RM5.00.

Quite a handsome return ya. Diharap para pembaca faham dengan kira kira diatas. This is base on my perspective and calculation. It may be incorrect. Some may have a different view. Whatever it is, kita ambik ni sebagai panduan lah ye kepada novice breeder atau yang nak saje saje tahu. Nak follow atau tak, I'll leave it up to your judgement.

So imagine you have does that can produce 2 litres a day! Imagine you have 40 does!! Imagine..ape you nak imagine lagi. Goats milk sales can help to compliment your operation cost, add income dan sebagainya.

However, kepada yang selalu beli susu kambing, beli tengok post ni dan rasa macam tertipu sebab kos susu kambing ni murah je rupanya. Buat bertenang dulu. This is my justification.
  • Contoh di atas ni back yard farm je. Super small scale. Straight to the point case. Tak termasuk risk and outbreak involve.
  • Refer to (*) asterisk at intro
  • Would you wake up at 5am in the morning everyday to milk the goats?
  • Would you be prepared to standby a night when a doe ada problem delivering its kid?
  • Would you be prepared to feed the goats twice a day atau mengembala 4 hingga 5 jam setiap hari di cuaca panas?
  • Are you prepared to face the consequences and challenges if your does are stolen? Yes goats are a valuable animals. People steal goats. A lot. 
  • Dairy goats are expensive. You are looking at RM2k to RM3k for a doe. Shami goats known for its milk quantity cost RM 4k++ a doe.
  • Dairy goats requires high maintenance to ensure high output performance. Nak dapat lebih 2 litre susu kambing kat climate Malaysia ni is not an easy task.
  • Dan banyaaakk lagi.
All this for the healthy goodness and awesome benefit of the goats milk, known to have a close nutritious value to mothers milk dan sebagai minuman sunnah, minuman kegemaran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w for all to enjoy. This is a premium beverage ladies and gentlemen.

What is RM5 of goats milk compared to RM12 coffee at Starbucks.



  1. Salam tuan adil,

    As we all know, daily requirements for dairy animals are far more higher than that of their meat counterparts.

    I know this from my own experience. My Saanen, walaupun berjaya adapt dgn semi intensive lifestyle. Tapi masih memerlukan that extra supplements to keep them in top notch condition. Energy requirements utk produce a litre of milk is a lot. And grazing alone is not sufficient. Masih perlu dedak dan supplement lain. Kalau tak boleh jadi Calcium deficient dsb. Dairy goat juga perlukan constant monitoring. Scheduled deworming. Ini semua akan tambah kos. My experience is, Saanen especially tak develop resistance terhadap worm.every 2 or 3 months akan jadi lemah dan susceptible terhadap serangan cacing.unlike katjang crosses. Diharap pengguna faham kenapa susu kambing ini mahal. If shami as tuan adil wrote would cost around 4k..you could get a pregnant holstein fresien for less than that.just imagine the high start up cost for a dairy goat. So harga pasaran susu kambing taklah mahal sgt pada pandangan hamba.

    1. Salam tuan ECH.

      Thank you for the additional info.

      BTW, what extra supplements to you give to your Saanen if you don't mind sharing.

    2. Biasa hamba bagi kalsium. .utj replenish balik..straight up dairy breed mcm saanen perlu..mcm jugak lembu fresien..

      Tapi I noticed one thing.kawan2 yg bela saanen cross boer atau apa2 sahaja..tak perlu di beri supplement..of course yield tak lebih 1 liter per day.

  2. Ini la yg hamba nanti kn..tme kseh tuan adil..lps ni boleh wat penerangan tentang pngurusan makanan plak ye.. boleh ke bg npier je tuan?ke nak kne wat buffet mknn utk kmbing susu ni?
