Wednesday 18 September 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt & good day.

Its good to know that goat's milk is gaining popularity lately. From pregnant moms to atok atok kat masjid (ni yang stok sembahyang pakai kerusi), joggers to beauty cautious individuals, all with one thing in mind, which is for their health reason. Maka tidak syak lagi kebaikan mengamal minum susu kambing ni amat menakjubkan dan menguntungkan. Pahala tak yah cerita la, confirm dapat, ikut sunnah. Its like drink one and get something better absolutely free.

Its getting ridiculous too among my fellow customers / drinkers. Semua main booking booking sampai suruh kelentong kat my other customers. Kira nak 'cut line' lah. Adoiiii.

But looking at it, we understand them, because we do the same too!! Bila stok dah kering, badan dah menggigil tak dapat minum, rasa lembik je hari hari, pagi pagi buang air besar pun tak lancar, mula lah carik supplier. Dan supplier terdekat untuk LRGF ialah supplier susu segar kambing Shami di Chembong, Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. This is the goat's milk review for today tuan puan sekalian.

Fresh & Unpasteurized
Jenama susu kambing ni ialah Shamilke dan merupakan susu kambing pertama sekali saya mencuba beberapa tahun lalu. Susu datangnya dari kambing baka Shami yang diimport masuk ke Malaysia dari Cyprus. They are the sole representative / reseller for Shami goats in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore. To know more, check out the web page of the company. There is a video documentary included (shami goat farm Malaysia), but kena download sebab file besar. Good to watch. Comparison of milk yield included from a few breeds.

So ladang kat Chembong ni diuruskan oleh tuannya Hj Bakly Baba yang mempunyai bertahun tahun pengalaman dalam industri ternakan kambing ni. Dalam video interview yang di upload dalam web page, beliau dah try bela pelbagai jenis baka kambing. Kandang kambing mak tuan banyak. Tak salah saya 7 kandang kut kesemuanya. He was being interviewed by Utusan Malaysia last year too dalam artikle bertajuk Potensi Baka Shami. Have a read for a full detail of his Shami goat farm.

Beliau juga merupakan LRGF reference point in terms of Shami breeding. Penjantan Shami LRGF datangnya dari ladang Hj Bakly.

Susu Shamilke ni dijual kat ladang beliau. Ada juga orang ramai yang beli susu ni dan jual kat tempat lain. I was told by ayahanda, his farm was able to produce hundreds of bottles a day, reaching to a five figure monthly sale (maybe 6). Ni dah gempak sesangat for selling raw goats milk.

Packaging & Labeling

Shamilke in dipek dalam botol bersaiz isipadu minima 300ml dalam botol plastik material seperti mineral water Spritzer, Alla Fonte dan sebagainya. Labeling pun sama jugak menggunakan plastik wrapping botol air mineral. Logo jelas gambar anak kambing shami yang comel lagi lote, dikelilingi oleh info info kebaikan susu kambing. Dijual dalam keadaan susu ni sejukbeku.

Terpampang jelas perkataan SUSU KAMBING SEGAR. Ni bukan 'false marketing' tuan puan sebab memang susu ni super segar. Diperah, ditapis dan terus disejubekukan. Tidak dipasteurkan langsung (i'm pretty sure of that). Pure raw goat's milk goodness. How fresh is that! Untuk expiry date, dia tempek sticker 'Guna Sebelum'. The nutrition fact is also stated on the label.

Frozen Goat's Milk
The Taste

I have drank this goat milk brand banyak kali. Beratus ratus botol dah. Campur dengan nescafe, teh boh mahupun straight from the bottle. Pernah jugak adik saya buat ais krim pakai susu kambing ni. Anak buah pun 'gogot' je dari botol.

So dari lidah hingga ke anak tekak dah familiarize dengan the flavour, texture and taste. One thing about susu Shamilke ini that I find remarkable is the consistency. It taste and smell the same all the time. Takde bau hamis?... well once in a while you get a batch or two, but very very seldom.

Because this is fresh raw goats milk, you can expect a sweet, delicious, creamy and fulfilling taste. And because susu ni sedap lemak berkrim, you will sometimes encounter 'curds' / butterfat atau ketulan lemak terapung dipermukaan susu bila kita defrost / cairkan. Not to worry, it is still consumable, only may not be pleasant for some.

I love this milk very much. I use this milk (raw milk category) as my benchmark to compare other goats milk out there.

This milk (or any other goats milk) is best to enjoy when the milk is icy cold. It is so refreshing. Baik masa malam sebelum tidur, ataupun bangun pagi, you will be charged up and energize for the rest of the day. One component that contributes to this effect, I strongly suspect, presume and believe is the fat / lipid in the goats milk called Medium Chain Fatty Acid or Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT). They are easy to digest, and are burned  as energy - so there is no where for them to go, and no place for your body to store them.

Sekiranya anda ingin meningkatkan atau enhance athletic performance and in need of an energy booster, look out for food that has a lot of MCT's. Besides goats milk, they are also naturally found in coconut and palm oil. Dan seperti biasa, dalam industri farmaseutikal, MCT boleh didapati dalam bentuk kapsul sebagai supplemen.

Raw milk Rawks! Mbekk!!


Packed with awesome goodness because its raw milk.


Bila frozen ni, amik masa sikit la nak cair dan minum.

Unpasteurized may not appeal to some due to hygiene reasons. (I've drank hundreds of their unpasteurized raw milk and alhamdulillah have not yet got sick or whatsoever.)


  1. salam bang..susu frozen ni boleh bertahan berapa lama ye? kalau kite frozen kn dia lpas tu defrost kn tp tak minum/tak bukak botol tu then kite frozen kan balik..ape jd kt susu tu?masih elok lg untuk di minum ke? tq

  2. defrost and refrozen akan menggalakkan pembiakan bakteria

    susu frozen tahan 2 tahun tanpa kerapkali buka pintu peti sejuk

  3. Hj Bakly dah banyak mengembangkan populasi kambing Shami betina kepada penternak-penternak lain dan juga Mardi, Kementerian dan lain-lain institusi penyelidikan. Malah, kerana permintaan mereka juga, Hj Bakly hingga tak dapat simpan anak-anak kambing betina untuk kandangnya sendiri.
    Mohon kepada penternak-penternak yang membiakkan kambing Shami daripada kandang Hj Bakly ini untuk memberi ulasan dan pengalaman tentang menternak kambing Shami atau cross Shami dengan baka-baka lain.

  4. salam tuan,

    dekat mana saya boleh beli susu ni area Shah Alam/Klang/Subang?

    1. Salam En Zul,

      Kalau brand shamilke ni saya tak pasti ada di area Shah Alam/Klang/Subang tuan.

      If you dont mind to try our own goat milk, penghantaran disediakan around area tuan mention.


    2. Owh yeke..that's good to hear! Boleh saya dapat details?

    3. Can i get your contact number sir? or Add me on FB (Adil Shahrom) to communicate further. TQ

  5. Asslm En Adil area Rembau mana saya nak dapat? Ada phone number? Email saya
