Wednesday 11 September 2013


Background video tu nampak pekerja perempuan macam nak muntah tengok saya minum.

Visually, nampak macam susu kambing, technically its not pure goats milk. So what is it?

Tuan puan sekalian, I present to you, colostrum. This is my first attempt consuming colostrum. Diperah dari induk kambing yang baru melahirkan anaknya 2 hari lepas. Ni memang purest, rawsome, fresh giler, straight from the teat, tidak ditapis susu awal kambing yang khusus untuk diminum oleh anaknya pada peringkat awal kelahiran. Berbuih buih, ala foam macam coffee latte. 

So what is the function of colostrum? Yang ni tuan puan saya  recommendkan untuk membaca infonya di sini (Centre of Nutritional Research). You wont believe how powerful this colostrum to human from cancer to athletic use, tissue repairs, weight loss to anti aging!. The pharmaceutical industries in the world produce colostrum in capsule form, made available as supplements.

"Colostrum provides the antibodies in the first milk from the doe to the kids. The kids are born without an immune system of their own, drinking colostrum from the mom provides immunity to things mom has come in contact with on her farm.

This being said, it takes approximately 5 months for a goat to build immunity to things in it's environment. So, if you have a doe who you brought to your home say 3 months prior to kidding, that doe has not yet built antibodies to the things she is now in contact with at YOUR farm. Therefore, the colostrum she is providing for the kids will not provide immunity to the things at your farm, but from the previous farm the doe resided.

Also, if I have a farm directly across the road from your farm, my immune system in my goats will still be different than your farm immunities. (This has been verified by more than one research goat veterinarian, including Colorado Serum company who makes vaccines etc.)"

Quoted from

Colostrum is extermely high in naturally occuring immune boosters like immunoglobulins, cytokines, lactoferrin and others.

This components have various biological roles. Cytokines is a hormone that keeps communication between immune cells active. Without it, we would be defenseless against invaders from the outside.

Immunoglobulins (lgA, lgD, lgE, lgG, lgM) are also known as antibodies. These small proteins are used by the immune system to seek and destroy foreign antigen (invaders)

Lactoferrin assits with iron absorption and has shown to be antimicrobal and antifungal.

Growth factors (IGF-I, IGF-II, EGF) assist with maintenance and growth of certain body tissues.

In this 'not so specific' and 'ad-hoc' experimentation, I decided to try colostrum from 2 different does. Satu dari induk yang baru melahirkan anaknya semalam, satu lagi melahirkan anaknya 2 hari lepas. For comparison purposes.


Evident the colour is slightly yellowish. Caramel pun ada. Tak tahu lah lighting masa amik gambar ni, but It also looks like teh tarik susu pekat manis yang banyak. Both sample had the same colouring. That is where the term liquid gold comes from, the colour and its importance. After a few days, the colostrum will reduce stage by stage and you can see the transformation colour from yellow to milky white.

Sebab susu ni baru sahaja diperah, maka temperature susu ni suam suam panas (apa nya explanation la aku bagi ni). So secara tak langsungnya anda dapat merasai satu feeling kasih sayang, felt very warm, cuddled with coziness and comfort. Entah apa yang saya merapu ni tapi camtulah perasaannya. 


Ok, percaya tak, milk tasting ni dibuat dalam kandang, yang dikelilingi oleh seratus ekor lebih kambing. Confirm la bau kambing kuat. Dengan deria bau oleh 4 orang (isteri, 2 pekerja dan saya), sebulat suara, unanimous, tidak syak lagi, there was not a single slight of goat odour  / hamis kambing we could trace in the colostrum. It does not smell like pure fresh milk either. 


Before I elaborate on this, here are some comments from dairy goat breeders themselves who have tried drinking colostrum.

"Tak tertelan aku kolostrum ni.....pekat macam bubur"


"Walaupun bau hamis sikit, tapi ia menyihatkan badan saya"

Hmmmmmmm.... but I experienced it differently pulak. Same goes with my wife.

Now the first colostrum was smooth tetapi tak pekat. You can feel in your mouth that the fat and creaminess is missing in the colostrum. Not strongly flavoured too. Some research has shown that colostrum is actually low in fat. Lastly it has a slightly bitter, not so overpowering lasting after taste in the mouth. This I assume attributed to it specific 'medicinal purposes' as a substance for newborn digestive and immune system. Yelah macam ubat, memang macam ubat pun untuk kanak kanak sebenarnya.

The second sample pun sama juga rasa dan teksturnya, cuma my first sip of the colostrum tasted 'slightly' salty, whereas it tasted fine for my wife.  

Although a complete opposite experience from other breeders, we enjoyed the colostrum and don't mind trying it again. Then again the kids need it more. 



  1. Abg ngn isteri abg mmg rock!
    Sy yg tgk gmbr pn xlalu nk mnum dah..terbaik,tp ksian ank kmbing tu, kuota susu die da bkurang..hehe

    1. Haha. kuota insyaallah cukup. Terima kasih azim kerana membaca blog LRGF.

  2. Ini memang hardcore head banging punya peminat susu kambing.

    Hmmm exp aku, susu ada kolostrum tak boleh masak. Susu biasa ok. Kolostrum ni memang elok sangat diminum mentah. Betullah tu - liquid gold. Kalah collagen dan sarang burung.

    Yeah! Keep on drinking!

    1. Tak lah hardcore prof. Nak experience je.

      Tq for visiting LRGF.
