Thursday 4 July 2013


Some may have seen this in photos, but here is the video.

I apologise for the poor sound quality. Well actually tak perlu apologise pun sebab masa ambik video ni, hujan tengah lebat, sangat lebat. 

Hebat! Mengagumkan! Dahsyat betul soldier soldier ni. Seperti seorang perajurit, this goats are super hardcore and very well discipline. Some who has visited his farm will agree with my statement.

Tuan tuan dan puan puan. This is my first visit to a goat breeders farm in Bidor, Perak as part of my learning experience in this goat industry. Empunya kambing kambing in ialah Prof. Alwi (bukan self proclaim ye, breeders yang proclaim title prof tu). Seorang penternak kambing pedaging berkonsepkan low input husbandry, yet able to achieve high output performance through local breed / blood goats. Possible? Impossible! Judging from the video, the evidence speaks for itself.

I was lucky to 'bump' into his blog as i was doing my research. Blog yang cukup padat dengan ilmu dan nasihat. Macam ensiklopedia menternak kambing Jilid 1. Saya amat sarankan kepada sesiapa yang ingin mengetahui atau mendalami ilmu menternak kambing (pedaging) untuk WAJIB membaca blog ni dulu. Post by post. The link is here

Terima kasih tuan alwi kerana sudi menerima saya sebagai tetamu dan juga tidak lokek dengan ilmu dan tunjuk ajar. It was an eye opener experience for me. Yang tak tahan tu tengok kambing dia. Macam kanak kanak riang. Happy and super fit. 

Left: Prof Alwi (muda lagi prof ni)
Part and parcel untuk menghadapi cabaran sebagai penternak kambing yang baru nak berkecimpung ni, kena lah buat ramai kawan, networking with other breeders. Cannot ignore them, treat them as rivals, so on and so forth. Kita yang rugi bro. Industri yang rugi, kambing pun rugi. With the current scenario (refer my previous post 'Poor man's cow), we stand united, Insya Allah, cerah masa depan. This is my humble opinion folks.

I would also like to recommend visiting other goat bloggers. (Do check out my goat bloggers too (worth recommending). Dan jika ada blog penternak lain pun tolong recommendkan kat saya. Kalau dia orang ni penternak kambing tegar, lagi dialu-alukan. Kalau kat facebook pulak, kena join  Group Pembiak Kambing/Biri-biri Tulen. Komuniti penternak kambing yang sangat supportif, progresif dan inovatif.

We are sparta!! Mbekk!!

The famous Diego, the so called 'grass cutter'. 


  1. Spartan! Prepare for glory!

  2. Thanks adil and wife for the visit.

    Thanks too for promoting the name.

    Thanks too for advancing the cause of small scale breeders.

    Thanks too for finally establishing a blog so that all of us now can follow your thoughts.

    Thanks too for joining the search for truth!!

    Thank you adil shahrom!
